OCAC-3: summer camps v.s. OCAC

I’ve been reflecting on our experiences last summer when the kids attended summer camps compared to the OCAC program we participated in this year. When they returned from summer camps, they shared stories about discovering why dinosaurs are referred to as “big lizards” due to the nature camp they attended. Although they didn’t engage in much reading, they seemed to interact well with local kids during the camp. However, it was more about fun than learning.

In contrast, the OCAC program provided a different experience. They were actively learning new Chinese characters and phrases, as well as some math. Additionally, they learned to sing Chinese children’s songs in music class and play badminton in PE class. I believe they learned many other things, although they may not have mentioned them to us. Despite being only two weeks long, I felt that the Chinese learning experience was enriching. Upon returning to the States, both of them repeatedly sang the school’s anthem, and Little Bao even expressed his desire to attend the program again in second grade.

Comparing summer camps to OCAC, I prefer the latter due to its focus on learning. It also allows me to gauge whether they’re on grade level through their homework. Overall, it was a valuable experience that helped me understand what we should prioritize when we return home.

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